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الأحد، 4 فبراير 2024

Don't buy your comfort!


Don't buy your comfort

Your eyes staring at the screen will not miss people talking and talking about “follow your passion,” “pamper yourself,” “do what you love,” “take a rest,” and many means and tools of comfort, recreation, and enjoying life’s pleasures. A voice inside me continues the series of this romantic drama and says, “Don’t set your alarm any longer for the hour of waking up to begin the journey of toil and misery. Give this body free rein in practicing the rituals of laziness. Entertain and entertain yourself with what satisfies this growing hunger for comfort within yourself, like a ferocious octopus wrapping its arms around your being to throw you away.” In the perils of pleasures. Addict to eating and watching whatever series you like, not caring about the opportunities you miss to create real life pleasures. Do not care about reading, as it is a luxury activity that does not benefit you, but rather imprisons you between the worn pages of the book, preventing you from enjoying life. Abstain from exercise, as it is a waste of your body’s energies and time and is pointless exhaustion. We are a people who are fond of a soft life, whose supporters call for the necessity of combining what we do with what we love to do, and in reality this is not available to everyone. People with this excessive materialistic orientation and penchant for fleeting pleasures sanctify passion to such an extent that it makes the recipient resolve to abandon what he is doing for no reason other than that he cannot stand it. It is not surprising that a person works in what he loves, takes a rest to gain strength, and lives between hardships and periods. Rather, what is surprising is that a smooth life becomes a goal that is intended and a condition in work that is not lost.

Penal whips

After all this, stop the cycle of blame that you play on a daily basis and do not unload the fragments of your expected explosion on any human being other than yourself. Remove everyone who falls outside your scope from the circle of blame: neither father nor mother, nor society nor system will have a role in the great harm that will befall youThe soul is addicted to desires and accepts them with passion just as the addict is addicted to the smell of a drug. It is almost automatically programmed to run after pleasures because of the euphoria they achieve in the soul, which may turn moments later into destruction and rumination of feelings of guilt that flog youIsn't the soul a sign of evilYou are just like a little child who enjoys eating sweets, not paying attention or understanding the damage it causes to his body, while his mother works hard to prevent the damage from his little body and is creative in inventing what can satisfy his intense hunger to invent alternatives, and in doing so she may lose strenuous effort and expenses that he does not know about. Except GodThis is the state of your soul, which is fond of comfort and is in love with the rituals of laziness, while your heart realizes that there is no good in all of this, but rather successive harms, including wasting the body’s energies and wasting precious times to no avail.

The world is a constant toil

Look closely at this verse and give free rein to your contemplation of the Almighty’s saying: (O mankind! Indeed, you have striven to your Lord, and you will meet Him.) The truth is that there is no rest for any creature in this world from the cradle until the Day of ResurrectionThe universe is built on movement and is filled with its details in every nook and cranny. Let us contemplate together the succession of night and day in a dazzling pattern, the rain that descends to wash away the filth of hearts and restore the universe’s sparkle, exploding crops and fruits in a wonderful cosmic miracle. Movement is sacred and is one of the universal laws that encourage the soul to continuously develop and reject stagnationBread left standing becomes spoiled and mold grows in it. Every sane person also rejects the tendency towards laziness and helplessness, as all of them are scourges that gnaw away at the body of the nation and destroy it little by littleWere you not impressed by the verses of Imam Al-Shari's - may God have mercy on him - when he dealt with this topic in a wonderful meaning that makes laziness something disgusting and reject                                     

The antidote to the soul

Here a logical question comes to us: Isn’t it time for you to resolve to take matters into your own hands and separate your heart from the soul that throws you into the dungeon of loss and surrounds you with the darkness of laziness?

The teacher and imam of humanity, and the quencher of the thirsty through the bounty of his generous guidance, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, confirmed to us in a practical scientific lesson that seeking help from God is the key to overcoming every difficult path. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to begin his day by asking for blessings and seeking refuge from the evil of laziness, in the hadith of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him. On his authority, that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: “Satan ties three knots on the back of one of you’s head when he sleeps. He strikes three knots on each knot. You will have a long night and sleep. If he wakes up and remembers God, one knot will be untied. If he performs ablution, one knot will be untied. If he prays, one knot will be untied and he becomes active.” Have a good soul, otherwise he will become evil and lazy.” Agreed upon, and on the authority of Ana's bin Manlike, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to say: “O God, I seek refuge in You from inability and laziness...” Narrated by Al-Bokhara, and he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to draw a map for us. The path to a more productive and fulfilling life, as he said: “Strive for what will benefit you, and seek help from God and do not fail.” Narrated by MuslimThe real key to opening horizons is patience, patience with what we hate because it benefits us, like medicine for a sick person. The doctor prescribes drugs to us and we take them reluctantly with the aim of healing and achieving wellness                                                                

As for the pleasure that you gain from following one’s self and desires, it is short-term and quickly disappears when the pleasure disappears. You may enjoy it at the time and enjoy it, but it disappears like a mirage and is even followed by hardship, while on the other hand, we find that true comfort is the harvest of following transmission - the Sharia - and reason, which recommends diligence and purification. From idleness, which seems difficult on the surface, but on the inside it is a constant pleasure and benefitIt is said that comfort is not the end of the road, but rather comfort lies in the road itselfStop making comfort, or if you want to say, happiness, your goal. Your comfort is in every day you live in your work, in the stage of life you are in, in how you deal with the problems that stand in your way, in finding solutions, and reaching your goals after long determination and extreme fatigue.

Be a dîmons

I want you to contemplate this example and ponder its meaning. Diamonds, the symbol of wealth, the passion of the hearts of beautiful women, and the ally of the adornments of the rich, are nothing but carbon that was treated with heat and high pressure under the layers of the earth. It took a long time to level out, and the volcanic lava transported it to the surface, and prospectors raced to search for it. In contrast, we find that coal is the same as carbon, with a fundamental difference. It was formed on the surface and resulted from a rapid loss of water, the same component, but the value differed according to the conditions of formationThe point is that whenever circumstances become difficult for you and your comfort becomes less, and your work leads to good, know that you are on the right path, God willing. Deal with the matter by accepting reality, and if you are presented with options, choose the easier one. This is the guidance of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. Every adversity you go through, every difficult time you face, every knowledge you face. You gain it in the balance of your good deeds if you devote your work to God Almighty. It is an additional asset to your personality, and at the same time it is evidence that you will be strong and shiny like a diamond.

Due to technical progress and the great spread of the Internet, the amount of triviality, entertainment, distractions and distractions that surround each one of us has become terrible and cannot be counted, and all of them encourage us to lie down and lie down in front of them. On the other hand, there is knowledge that has also become accessible to everyone and in the easiest ways, and perhaps with one click and you are the one who decides on it. What will you press?

In conclusion, you must know that God Almighty’s love for His servant is eternal salvation and success. Return to God and His protection and success will contain youExaggerate your consideration of reasons just as you exaggerate your desire for a comfortable life. Be diligent in questioning your faculties as you are diligent in quenching your desires. Be strong in every detail of your being. Be strong in work, patience, help, and trust, and you will see a new meaning to life.

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