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الأحد، 4 فبراير 2024

Dad, I want to become a YouTuber

                             Dad, I want to become a YouTuber           

 Treating problems begins with reconciling with reality and   acknowledging it. As for arrogance and neglecting the facts around you, it will inevitably lead you to taking paths that are very far from achieving effective solutions. Has a doctor ever been able to treat a disease without diagnosing its condition deeply and correctly?! Of course not, from here you and we are also required to look around us and discover the development that has occurred in life, and even keep up with it and try to become familiar with it as much as possible so that we can be present in the sight of our children, active in directing them to the right path.

                                                                              Life and ambitions

Don't be surprised when you ask your child what she wants to be when she grows upHe will answer you with something likeI want to be a You Tuber, Gamer, or Streamer. What are these titles and jobs that we have never known before?! Where are you, my son, from the doctor, the engineer, the teacher, or the juristYour child will not have the perfect answer to your question, or rather your last exclamation, as he is unconsciously drawing from technical sources and social platforms that make him want to become those previous names, and there is nothing wrong if he really has a lofty goal and high ambition.

Your child is classified as part of the Alpha generation - those born after 2010 - who share several characteristics and features that differ greatly from previous generations. They are fast learners and have more sources of knowledge than others, thanks to God and then technology. They are distinguished by amazing horizontal knowledge. It is enough to tell him one piece of information to find him racing with your lips to search for it. To ensure its authenticity or to know its details, therefore, their learning is very personal, and they embody in themselves a critical, skeptical style that does not surrender to everything that is presented to them, but rather includes it with a lot of scrutiny, research, and verification. Also, this generation was born as if they were experts in technology from a young age. They love artificial intelligence. They work quickly and tend to communicate with each other through social media around the clock. Their play is entirely individual and their experiences are personal and not collective, so they do not tend towards the sharing economy or routine work. They see themselves as social and extroverts, just as you see them through the eyes of your generation, introverts who withdraw into themselves and get bored quickly

The world of creating visual content online, from entertainment videos to gamesA very impressive field for a young child who only thinks about play, freedom, and freedom from duties. He often thinks that famous You Tubers or gamers do nothing but have fun and play. Their speech tells you that this world enhances themselves, interrogates their aspects of creativity, and gives them skills in dealing with the camera, editing footage, and good... Performance in speech and other social relationships extending along the Internet cords that connect the world and wrap it around, with many bundles of money and, most importantly, unparalleled fame and celebration by their followers, so that they become, day after day, an icon for them, an icon that deserves to be followed in its steps until it is dreamed of. These people will one day become like them.

                                                          Between grants and prevention

What is the solution then to save our children from the mire of technology and the resulting negatives and empty hopesSo you know, dear reader, that complete prohibition and absolute control over what our children can see online is a difficult matter, because the glow of technology, games, and social networking sites has become so powerful that it can pass through the tallest walls that surround them, whether through their friends or by circumventing... These restrictions or otherwise, and assuming that this crossing will not happenYour children will be faced with a different kind of dilemmaIt is isolation and loss of social contact with their surroundings and generation, due to their lack of convergence with that surroundings and generation in its interests, which are mostly related to trends and technologyIt is also our responsibility, as parents, to realize that one day our children will be separated from us on their own and will be an independent entity. If we guide and guide them well from childhood, then, with God’s grace, they will have a good upbringing as God loves and is pleased. Then we will be worthy of the care that God has bestowed upon us.

Sharing children’s interests, even if only partially, will enable us to identify the detailed dangers they face, and then alert them to them and build in them a value-based immunity with which they will automatically face those dangers. For example, your children want to follow some attractive YouTube channels. You tell them how to choose good clips and how to add them. Channels that are targeted to their followers, so YouTube then shows them suggested videos within the scope of the safe channels they follow, then you share with them watching one of these videos with good direct messages, and among the lines of this medium you can catch some indirect messages that - if you find them - reduce the value of Shame or encourage lying or something else, and then point out these hidden messages to your children and make them understand that such messages affect them without them knowing, and that they must confront them and pay attention to themIt is also good, while sharing their interests, to nurture in them the ability to criticize, meaning that you ask them a lot of questions about the different ideas that come to them, and this often results in them following you in that manner, and then not being led by an idea without carefully examining and evaluating it

                                                                                     Exit the circule

The solution, from my point of view, lies in parents getting close to their children and activating the most important feature of YouTube, which is “Content Restriction Mode,” which helps in blocking content that is likely intended for adults. If the son’s demands increase to become a You Tuber, tell him first that the YouTube administration prohibits the creation of a channel for anyone. They are under the age of thirteen because the site will harm them. If it is necessary, all you have to do is participate in creating a channel in your name that you will supervise and discuss with him in a good manner about the goal and purpose of the channel and what value it will provide to others. It is preferable for the channel to be in the YouTube Kids application. You can also make the channel “private.” So that only those you invite can see it by sending the link to them directly or approving whoever wants to subscribe to your channel. Older children may reject this option because they are eager for the number of viewers and the large number of fans, so be prepared to dialogue with them to make it clear that it is a compromise that they need to live withAn important piece of advice if you make the channel “public” for anyone to watch without restrictions and want to build an impenetrable barrier against offensive comments and comments is to stop the viewer’s ability to comment and click the like or dislike buttonIt is also highly recommended to hide important and sensitive data or that may lead to the account being identified. You can do this through the anonymity settings. Always be by your child’s side and check the content of the video before publishing it so that what should be hidden does not appearIt is a good idea to write a clear contract with your son so that he knows what he has and what he owes regarding the above-mentioned topics, so that you can be safe from the dangers that befall an innocent child whose eyes have not yet seen life and who have not suffered enough.


1.   As they say, experience is the best proof. I have seen children who abandoned their channels and dreams after they learned how much effort You Tubers put in. They found work hard and not always entertainingContrary to what they expect, after they collect money from their small piggy banks to buy photography tools, then they practice using them, they sit for long hours in the appropriate place and angle, and they speak in front of the camera several times, then the clips are saved and transferred to computers, and then they begin using video editing programs, cutting out unnecessary parts, and adding creative introductions with... A group of effects and moves, then taking it out in its final form and uploading it to the channel, then promoting it begins. What do you know what promotion is?! All of this makes them forget the rosy dreams and moves them from narrowness to the horizon. He who sees is not the same as he who hearsLet them realize this for themselves, and that not everyone who loves drawing becomes a painter, nor does everyone who supports football become a player, and not everyone who watches people dies of worryOn the other hand, when talking about who sits in front of the screen, children are among the largest viewers of YouTube, and unfortunately, this is in blatant defiance of the rules of YouTube, according to the Pew Research Center. However, the red site does not move on the matter, as it is in its interest, even if it 

                                                                      Priorities and alternatives

The above does not mean, in any way, surrendering to the materials of the technological world and leaving our children in them without supervision or accountability. It does not mean saying yes to everything, but rather it means

Consciously engaging in that world and explaining the advantages and dangers of technology, and how it achieves a balance between aspects of life with the importance of maintaining a good and strong relationship with children, reminding them of God’s blessings upon them, God’s monitoring of them, and instilling God’s love in their pure, tender hearts that, with their purity, are accustomed to responding to the call of common sense without hesitation or delay. This fear will be a barrier after God grants us the good use of technology

With the importance of activating light monitoring and a compassionate eye, and setting specific times that they will not exceed in using these technologies, that specification and that level of control will push them to find other alternatives to fill their time, and then it will be your turn to suggest what you deem appropriate in terms of mental games, manual activities, or reading books. Or watching meaningful story series, or anything else that is available, that leads them to a safe educational path, a path that protects them from the harmful products of their era and builds in them the skills and references they need in terms of moderate and authentic religious values

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