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الثلاثاء، 19 ديسمبر 2023

How do you like your job?

 How do you like your job

Love your job as it can greatly reduced your stress at work place  ! Learn some tips on how to love your job.


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Tip:  "Love your job" 

" If you can't be in the job you love…

Love the job you're in (or the way you do it) "


Friends ! loving your job is an extremely useful tip for reducing tension from life :- Love your job.

I know that not everybody among us is fortunate enough to have a job of his/her liking. We all are living in a fiercely competitive era. In today's time, just being eligible  for a job is not enough. We have to be most eligible than all other eligible persons to get a dream job. Now to be the most eligible of all is not that easy. It depends upon a number of visible and invisible factors such as our family background, our educational qualification, our physical appearance (in some jobs at least ), our performance in a particular exam etc. Since not everybody can be the most eligible one, most of us will have to contend with other jobs which may or may not be of our liking.

Let us consider your present job. It may be the case that you are doing a boring, routine and less rewarding job. May be you are not getting the chance  to  work at your full potential in this job. Certainly a man/woman of your caliber deserves something better. And if you are making all the necessary efforts to  get the perfect job  in your dream company, I give you my best wishes for your efforts. However, it is my humble advice that while you are searching for that perfect job, enjoy the way you are doing your present one, and keep celebrating and expanding all the other joys of life that surround you.

No matter how bad, boring, frustrating, and less rewarding your present job is, one thing is certain - you'll go nowhere by fuming and fretting about it ! Consider this :  at any given moment your job is the main source of your income. Your bread and butter comes from the money you earn in this job. You pay your monthly bills, your taxes and your child's school fee from the salary of this job. You take your wife out for a dinner and give her a beautiful present from the money you earn from this job. Your present job is the platform on which you'll lay the foundation of your future dream job. So dear friend your job is no that bad. Just see the positive side of picture. Love your job , respect it.

I know it is not very easy to love our boring and dull jobs. However, if we want, we can easily make our job interesting . A little bit of effort & innovation can make any kind job interesting. Let me give you a very useful tip : If you want to make your job interesting, then ask yourself - "How can I do this job in a better way ? How can I improve my productivity ? " Just think over these two questions and you will get the answer. The best way to make your job interesting is to constantly find the way of doing it in a better way. Here are few benefits which you'll get by loving your job:  
.Your productivity and performance output will increase)

  Your image in the eyes of your seniors will improve.

 You will feel less tired and exhausted at the end of the day.

  Your overall relationship with your colleagues will improve. 

  You will be able to finish your work quickly if you do it with passion.
As you love your job and do it wholeheartedly, you will not find the time for fuming and fretting over its negative aspects. You will remain busy in it and will not feel frustrated or tense owing to the dullness or monotony of your present job.

In Australia, 60% of small businesses fail within the first twelve months. For anyone wanting to start a small business -- maybe even work from home -- that statistic seems daunting. Don’t be discouraged! Read about five simple business principles that can help you to succeed.

Small home-based business opportunity, work at home, serious home-based business opportunity, best home-based business opportunity. 

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Did you know that, in Australia, 60% of small businesses fail in the first twelve months? For those of us who would like to start a small business -- maybe even work from home -- that’s a very discouraging statistic. 

Does that mean that your business idea is doomed to failure? Far from it! There are steps you can take that greatly increase your chances of success. With a little time and some serious research you can hit the ground running. Let’s start from the beginning…

<b>The bright idea</b>

First, of course, you need to come up with an idea. Typically, business opportunities can be divided into four groups:

1. Offering an existing product/service in an existing market.
2. Introducing an existing product/service to a new market.
3. Offering a new product/service in an existing market
4. Introducing a new product/service to a new market.

At this stage of the game the only limit is your imagination. Inspiration can come from anywhere -- maybe you have a hobby that you’d like to turn into a full-time job; you may be on the receiving end of bad service one day and decide to try doing it better yourself; or you may have a talent that you’d like to capitalise on.

Once you’ve come across something that you’d like to do, it’s time to take a look at the market and see what’s on offer. 

<b>Passing the test</b>

So you’ve had a great idea and you’re keen to roll with it; now it’s time to put it through its paces. For the purpose of the exercise, let’s say that you have a passion for healthy living, and that you want to distribute a range of lifestyle accessories that promote healthy living with a do-it-yourself approach. 

Ask around: Is there a market for products that promote healthy living? What sorts of products are available? Who would you be competing with and what do your competitors offer? Do you have the necessary skills to run such a business and -- more to the point -- what would those skills be? Where would your business be located?

Once you’ve answered those questions you should have a fairly clear picture of what your business will look like. 

You source some products and decide to do some further research into the range of lifestyle products offered by a company called Vitality 4 Life. Your own life experience plus some work you’ve done as a dietician has given you the necessary skill sets, and you think that you’ll be able to work from home, giving you more time for family. There is an existing market, but there’s room for expansion. Now it’s time to take a closer look.

<b>To be or not to be?</b>

It’s time to get down to the nuts and bolts. You don’t want to jump into something feet first and find out the hard way that the budget just doesn’t work. 

To get started, sit down and work out if you need to hire staff, which means paying wages.

If you lease a premises you’ll need to be able to pay the rent, and your location will have to be suitable for your business and target market (which also means that you’ll have to think carefully about just what that target market is). You’ll also need to work out the likely demand for your product/service.

Ok… you’ve worked out that there is enough demand for good quality juicers, sprouters, water filters and other high end accessories to take a shot at a distributorship as a home-based business opportunity. Now you need to make some marketing decisions.

<b>Look at me! Look at me!</b>

Advertising can be costly so you’ll want to be sure that your advertising budget is spent wisely. That means more market research, this time one-on-one. Profile your customer groups so you can aim your marketing at the right group/s of people.

Draw up a questionnaire (a short questionnaire -- people run out patience if you ramble for too long) and hang around outside a few of the local gyms (for our particular example). Come up with a mixture of open questions (What do you think of……..?) and closed questions (Do you have a gym membership? Yes/No.); sliding scales can be useful too. 

For our health accessories business, a good question might be ‘How did you hear about this gym? Radio, tv, newspaper, word of mouth etc…’ Such a question would then give you an indication of the types of media that your target group responds best to.

Choose a business name, print up some business cards, buy some stock and get ready to trade!

<b>Measure it, manage it!</b>

A teacher of mine made the point that, in business, if you can’t measure it you can’t manage it. 

You need to be able to plan ahead, and to do that you need to know -- or to be able to accurately predict -- your total sales. The equation is simple: number of customers x average sale x frequency of visits per customer per year = total sales. Remember it, revise it often, measure your business and you’ll be able to manage it!  

Keep an eye on your bottom line and, most importantly, always be aware of your cash flow -- the cold, hard cash that you have in the bank. Allow for invoice periods (14 days, 30 days etc) when you’re planning your budget.

The market place has a life of its own, and no one can prepare for every contingency. Put some thought into your idea; make sure that there’s a market for what you’re offering; research, research, research; promote your business effectively; always know what’s going on in your bank account and don’t forget about cash flow! 

It’s not perfect but, if you follow these few simple steps, you’ll be miles ahead of many new small business ventures. If you’ve heard of a great home-based business opportunity, or have a product or service of your own to market, you’re off to a great start!

A growing number of women are experiencing the challenges of being a caregiver. Fortunately a few tips can work a little relief into busy schedules.

Managing Stress

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A growing number of women are experiencing the challenges of being a caregiver. Whether they're looking after children, elderly parents or a sick relative, the stress can take a physical toll on even the most hardy individuals.

The editors of Caring Today magazine offer these tips to work a little relief into busy schedules:

&#8226; Make time for a hobby. There's no need to feel guilty for taking time to have fun. Consider a hobby a tonic for your health. Paint a picture, knit a sweater, strum a guitar or hit a few golf balls.

&#8226; Take a 10-minute vacation. Can't go on that holiday you really need? Take a 10-minute fantasy vacation instead. Close your eyes and picture yourself in a place that makes you happy. Focus on the details-the sights, sounds, smells and feelings-to bring the scene alive.

&#8226; Try the tennis ball trick. For a quick mood boost, roll a tennis ball over tight muscles. But make sure you use a firm pressure-a light stroke stimulates instead of calms.

&#8226; Write out your worries. Telling your troubles to a friend can make you feel better. So can venting on paper. In fact, study after study suggests that jotting down your feelings about an upsetting situation relieves stress, boosts immunity and results in fewer visits to the doctor.

Managing Stress Could Be Blessing In Disguise!

Life with stress and life without stress- they are poles apart!

Some types of stress are inevitable. Some stresses are those over which you have no control. Plus, some one may be the cause of your stress; there are some types of stress of which you are the cause, and therefore you have to find its solution.

Mostly, the level of your stress and the level of your heartbeat go hand in hand. The greater the pounding, more intense is the level of the pressure. Nobody is happ...

managing stress, stress management tips, guidelines

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Life with stress and life without stress- they are poles apart!

Some types of stress are inevitable. Some stresses are those over which you have no control. Plus, some one may be the cause of your stress; there are some types of stress of which you are the cause, and therefore you have to find its solution.

Mostly, the level of your stress and the level of your heartbeat go hand in hand. The greater the pounding, more intense is the level of the pressure. Nobody is happy to own the stress permanently. Hence, arises the question of managing the stress.

The causes of stress are innumerable. May be that it concerns your children, or the usual, unusual arguments with your spouse. A word of caution to the heart patients. Develop the trait of patience and avoid stress at all costs. Stress is the cause of many heart attacks.

Remember the cop managing the heavy traffic in a busy junction-he is the master of traffic rules, he has the assistance of red, yellow and green signals. He regulates, controls the rush of a large number of vehicles, with the assistance of these signals.

So, coping stress is all about stress management. Nobody likes to remain in a state of stress. But the style of life in the modern materialistic civilization, throws many types of stresses, without your asking for it. Rather, stress is forced upon you! Managing the stress assumes added importance here. Some of the following guidelines may help you in manging the stress:

1. Do not suppress your stress. Only you know the reason of your stress. Discuss your difficulties with your trusted ones, friends, relatives or with your spouse.

2. Do some deep breathing exercises, for 10-15 minutes everyday, sitting all alone.

3. Everything in the world is happening as it should. You are not the one to create all the problems or to solve all the problems. The perfect order or discipline that you want might not be available at all times. Carry on them, with the available discipline.

4. Temper is very valuable. Do not lose it. But if you are determined to lose it, do not respond to anyone at a high temperature level. Let things cool down. Time provides its own answers, for major part of your problems.

5. Think of the positive side of the issue. The strength of the negative side, will then automatically weaken.

Sometimes, a spiritual personality can help you more, for sure, than your psychologist or family doctor. Do not hesitate to surrender before the Perfect Master. He may bestow you with such grace, bless you with such positive thoughts that your stress may just float away, destination less and direction less never to return again.

Yes, this is not a vague assumption. This stress, could be your blessing in disguise!

Methods To Relieve Stess

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Jane, a working mother, often feels tense. She feels she has too much to do. At the end of the day, she is drained and frazzled. She feels as if she is being pulled from all sides. Consequently, she cannot meet the demands of her job or her family. She gets irritated over insignificant things and has intense emotional outbursts. Lately, she cannot sleep at night, does not feel hungry, and feels exhausted all the time. Jane is under stress.

Many people who are under stress ...

stress relief, relaxation

Article Body:
Jane, a working mother, often feels tense. She feels she has too much to do. At the end of the day, she is drained and frazzled. She feels as if she is being pulled from all sides. Consequently, she cannot meet the demands of her job or her family. She gets irritated over insignificant things and has intense emotional outbursts. Lately, she cannot sleep at night, does not feel hungry, and feels exhausted all the time. Jane is under stress.

Many people who are under stress do not know what the effects of stress are and how it feels. The following are some key stress indicators:

- Irritability and nervousness
- Sleep disturbances
- Poor concentration and low memory retention
- Anger and tantrums
- Anti social behavior, sometimes bordering on the violent
- Alcohol or drug abuse
- Emotional outbursts 

Constant stress will trigger physical ailments. When a person is stressed, the body responds by increasing the heart rate. The blood pressure rises because of a need to pump more blood into the brain. Blood is drained from the intestines and shunted to the arms and the legs (protection and attack instinct). Blood clotting takes place more quickly (body’s protective instinct). 

While stress is present everywhere these days, about 10% of the population suffers from chronic stress. If left untreated, this can cause extensive damage to a person’s physical as well as mental well-being. 

Stress CAN be relieved. There ARE ways in which one can drain out this poisonous matter from the body.

Methods to relieve stress

Do it willfully and enjoy the satisfaction. Multitasking is all very well, but it's more for computers than man. Pay attention to the task at hand. Finish it and then go on to the next task. 
Plan your day. Keep a timetable. If you are a working mom, there are deadlines to be met, brownie meets, and coaching sessions; not to mention cooking, cleaning and washing. Yes, that’s a lot of things to do. So, split the load. Fix a time for a task and pat yourself on the back when you finish each task. 

Don’t rush through your meals, no matter how important that meeting is. Take the time to quiet your mind and relax when you do this all-important activity. Find pleasure in eating.
Keep your thoughts positive, ALWAYS. Focus on the good side of things. Meditation, Yoga, or Tai Chi will greatly help to calm your troubled mind. During the day, notice your body. If you notice tension in your body, release it. Breathe deep and stretch any of the tense areas. 

Get some exercise. Jog, run, play, swim - just release those cramped muscles and let your heart beat faster and stronger. 

You are only as good as the things you put in you body. Avoid sugary foods, fast food and fried stuff. Take in a lot of fiber and complex carbs. Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables make you feel good. 

Remember that proverb," All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?” Find some things that you enjoy and make time for them. Read that book; go for a walk; or listen to music. The important thing is to find some time for you. 

Lastly, be gentle with yourself. It is natural to fall back into stressful habits from time to time. If you do, simply notice this change and don’t get judgmental. Move back to the stress reduction techniques.

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